The equality and equity plan promotes the well-being of the school community
A study maintenance plan for pupils and students has been drawn up for pre-primary, primary and upper secondary education in the city of Imatra. The starting point and goal of student care is a healthy school community, which includes all students and adults working in the school. The student maintenance plan has been in use since August 2023.
- The study care plan and the functional equality and equity plans have now been made for the first time. The preparation became relevant with the updating of the study care legislation, says the study care development coordinator Raisa Pöntinen from the city of Imatra.
At Imatra, each school center and high school prepares its own functional equality and equity plan, with which the student care plan is taken to a practical level, into concrete actions. Monitoring of the plan is carried out with well-being surveys and self-monitoring. The well-being survey is conducted twice a year as an electronic survey in basic education and upper secondary school.
The goal is equal opportunities
The goal of equal and equitable treatment in pre-primary and basic education is to help and support the student so that he has equal opportunities to participate in the activities of the school community and study.
Themes that promote equality and equity in the school community are selected among the school center's students, teachers and student care team based on the results of well-being surveys.
- Each school center has its own themes, goals and measures that promote equality and equity. The theoretical background for the plans is common to all schools, says Pöntinen.
In Imatra's school centers, the functional equality and equity plan is reviewed annually. The review takes into account whether the objectives have been achieved or whether the implementation of the objectives will continue. If the goals have been achieved, new goals are defined based on the well-being survey. The implementation of the student care plan is also monitored annually, and its results are reported to the city's student care group.
- The implementation of both the student care plan and the equality and equity plan is a long-term effort. Equal and equitable activity is a common issue of the entire school community. We hope that parents will get to know the plans as well, says Pöntinen.
The study care plan and the equality and equity plan can be read in Wilma.
For more information:
study care development coordinator Raisa Pöntinen, city of Imatra, (raisa[dot]pontinen[at]imatra[dot]fi), tel. 020 617 1106
education and youth manager Minna Rovio, city of Imatra, go. (minna[dot]rovio[at]imatra[dot]fi), tel. 020 617 3404
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