The shift daycare center in the Mansikkala school center provides early childhood education around the clock, all days of the week, according to the working hours of the parents.
A shift supervisor also works in connection with the day care center. Preschool hours are from Monday to Friday at 8.30:XNUMX am-12.30.
Visiting address
Koulukatu 2
55100 IMATRA
day of
Phone numbers
Opening hours
always open
Jaana Lippojoki
Director of the Mansikkala daycare center
020 617 3507
Heli Poittinen
Deputy director of the Mansikkala daycare center
020 617 3563
E-wing 1-2 year old Buds
020 617 3567
E-wing 3-4 year old Pines
020 617 3568
G-wing 3-4 year old day group Jalavat
020 617 3722
G-wing 1-2 year old Versot
020 617 3573
G-wing 2-3 year old Naavas
020 - 6173572
G-wing 4-5 year olds Leaves
020 - 6173569
E-wing 5-year-olds Willows (two-year pre-school)
+020 - 617 3574