- Wilderness and nature culture museum, architectural design
- The architectural plans of the Wilderness and Nature Culture Museum project will implement the architectural plans of the Wilderness and Nature Culture Museum located in the current town hall of Imatra, as well as the technical planning required for museum operations.
- Based on the plans, the necessary plan changes can be made, building permits can be applied for, and other design work and tenders related to the construction contract can be carried out.
- Project duration 08/2023-06/2025
- Total budget €828, European Union contribution €144
- General and station zoning of solar parks
- The Ministry of the Environment has granted funding to Imatra to promote green transition investment projects in the general and site planning of solar parks. The project lasts until 11/2024.
- The goal of the project is to site plan areas suitable for a total of 300-500 MWp solar power plants in the city of Imatra, both in city and privately owned areas. The 110 kV main grid connection of the solar parks is to be carried out to the switch stations near the areas. The goal of the project is to site plan about three areas suitable for solar power plants.
- Based on preliminary reviews, suitable areas have been assessed as areas with weak forestry use and they are estimated to increase security of supply and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The preliminary areas are located around the city of Imatra. The selection of areas will be refined as the project progresses. Once the more specific areas have been selected, the goal is to start their site zoning.
- DNSH surveys of solar parks
- The Ministry of the Environment has granted funding to Imatra for DNSH surveys related to solar parks to promote green transition investment projects. The project is related to the general and site planning of Imatra's solar parks, where DNSH surveys are carried out for selected site plan sites. The project will be completed in connection with site plan preparations for the sites in November 2024 at the latest.
- The DNSH assessment (Do No Significant Harm) ensures that the project financed by the recovery and recovery support instrument does not cause harm to the following environmental goals:
- mitigation of climate change
- adaptation to climate change
- sustainable use and protection of water resources and natural resources of the seas
- transition to a circular economy
- preventing and reducing environmental pollution
- protection and restoration of biological diversity and ecosystems.
- Restoration of fish spawning grounds
- Renovation of fish spawning grounds in Vuoksi, financed by Fortum and Southeastern Finland ELY Center
- KATTI project 2022-2024
- The participating 19 municipalities digitize their site plan, master plan and/or waterfront site plan information with information content and structures that work together nationally.
- The cost estimate of the project is €1, of which VM's digital incentive share is €423, the rest being self-financed by the municipalities.
- Contact person: Erno Tanttu, erno.tantuimatra.fi (erno[dot]tanttu[at]imatra[dot]fi)
- Passenger count II 2022-2023
- State aid project for the development of methods and systems for monitoring the occupancy rate of public transport
- Electric work machines (2024-2025)
- A project funded by Business Finland receiving innovative public procurement project funding
- The project is part of a project complex formed by several cities, the purpose of which is to investigate the suitability of electric work machines for various maintenance and infrastructure construction tasks and at the same time to obtain information about the procurement criteria to be used in the planning of future procurements.
- The project to strengthen the cyber security of water supply facilities in the Imatra region (VAVVA vesi) (2024-2025)
- A state aid project managed by the city of Imatra, which prepares for cyber security threats in water supply.
- In addition to Imatra, Ruokolahti, Rautjärvi and Parikkala are also involved in the project.
- The aim of the project is e.g. draw up a common operating model for municipalities to ensure cyber security and increase cooperation between municipalities.
Completed projects
- CBC ViVu – Visit Vuoksi in 2020-2023
- Sustainable development tourism route with presentation materials for the Vuoksi region, creation of the principles of sustainable use of Vuoksi.
- responsible person Minna Kähtävä-Marttinen
- Go to South Karelia! in 2020-2022
- South Karelia's climate partners 2021-2022
- Climate action and know-how in South Karelia! 2022 2023
- A provincial environmental project managed by the South Karelia Association and receiving a state subsidy of YM, in which the city of Imatra is involved as one of the implementers.
- Climate wise in 2020–2021
- Hydrogen, Flow South East
- It is a green transition project, the purpose of which is to promote the location of renewable energy and hydrogen economy projects in Eastern and Southeastern Finland. Four southeastern Finnish municipalities and LUT University are involved in the project.
- Imatra participates in the project by mapping potential location areas for the hydrogen industry at Imatra. The work focuses on mapping potential sites, selecting project sites, and preparing target cards and presentation materials that can be handed over to companies and investors in the hydrogen industry.
- The project lasted until the end of 2023.
- Lake Immalanjärvi water protection project 2021-2023
- Saimaa Water Protection Association's project on the effect of forest cultivation methods on water protection. The city of Imatra is involved in the implementation of the project.
- Renewal of movement in the South Karelia region 2018 , in 2018-2023: - Southä-Development of publicly supported mobility services in the Karelian regionämy project
- Paperharjuntie sidewalk and bike path 2022-2023
- State aid project for the construction of a new sidewalk and bike path.
- Virtual rapids
- Commuter traffic development project
- Public transport marketing project
- Smart streets - Street AI 2021-2022 - street condition research using digital means