A child walks along the tall trees with a backpack on the edge of a bog in autumn, VisitFinland.
On a trip. Photo: Marjaana Tasala, VisitFinland

Blog: Children and young people planning a wilderness and nature culture museum

14.2.2022 18:07
Read Mona Taipalee's blog about how children and young people are included in the planning of the operation of the wilderness and nature culture museum coming to Imatra. Mona is the project manager in the Eräpöhinää project, which strengthens the operating conditions of the future museum in Imatra and more broadly in South Karelia by bringing together the service offerings and factors of the region.

The national Wilderness and Nature Culture Museum, which will open in the next few years in the premises of Imatra's current town hall, will be built as a collaboration of different actors. The museum's visitor and other goals are high in all respects. Along with tourist attraction, it is important that we South Karelia residents and residents of Eastern Finland experience the museum as our own. Right now is the right time to invite future customers and partners to the planning of the museum's contents and activities.

According to my own experience, when planning a new activity, it is worth having a discussion not only with adults and professionals from different fields, but also with children and young people. Future museum visitors probably have very reasonable and open-minded ideas about what is interesting now and in the future. The opportunity to participate in the planning of the museum's contents and activities also strengthens the experience of children and young people's participation.

Children's and young people's thoughts and ideas about the future museum will be collected in February as a part South Karelia batch week. Eräviikko is a province-wide themed week of nature knowledge and skills in early childhood education and elementary school coordinated by Etelä-Karjalan Liikunta ja Urheilu ry (EKLU). The week's themes are field skills, South Karelian nature, outdoor activities and traditions.

The Eräpöhinää project has produced visual art and writing tasks aimed at children and young people of different ages for the week's program. The products will be used in the planning of the future museum and related activities. By participating, you have the opportunity to make an impact!

Mona Taipale

Eräpöhinää project