Guided exercise in the arena

Elderly people to move to the Ukonniemi arena

11.10.2019 11:59
Guided exercise for the elderly in the Ukonniemi arena starts on Monday 14.10 October.

Guided exercise on Mondays and Thursdays from 13.00:15.00 to XNUMX:XNUMX until the end of April. 

Ukonniemi-Areena has the opportunity to move safely and free of charge, either guided or self-directed. You can also participate with your own assistant.
The program includes e.g. pole walking (bring your own poles), stick and rubber band exercises and kettlebell training. No pre-registration. 

Daily coffee service. 

Note! Outdoor equipment is needed in the hall.


Ukonniemi Arena, Ottelukatu 9, 55420 Imatra

Additional information: Arja Kujala tel. 020 617 2227, arja.kujalaatimatra.fi (arja[dot]kujala[at]imatra[dot]fi)