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City council meeting on November

City council meeting on 20.5.2024 November XNUMX...

Smoke tests related to sewer tightness tests at Lappeentie 20–31.5.2024 May XNUMX


Lappeentiellä tutkitaan alueen viemäreiden tiiveyttä sekä mahdollisia putkistovuotoja. Tutkimus tehdään savukokeilla 20.–31.5.2024 arkisin klo 8.00–16.00. Savukokeiden aikana savua purkautuu rakennusten katoilla olevista viemäreiden tuuletusputkista sekä …

The performance season of Teatteri Imatra's memorable Piaf has come to an end


Teatteri Imatra … Teatteri Imatran tiedotteessa kerrotaan, että Piafin esitys hipoi 100 % täyttöastetta, sillä se saavutti kokonaisuudessaan 11335 katsojan määrän. —    Piaf-Pikkuvarpunen on Teatteri Imatran sisänäyttämöllä nähdyistä esityksistä kaikkien …

The junction between Karjalantie and Lidl will be closed to traffic on Thursday morning


Karjalantieltä Vuoksenniskan Lidlin pysäköintialueelle vievä liittymä suljetaan liikenteeltä torstaiaamuna 16.5. kello 7 alkaen. Katkos on voimassa toistaiseksi. Kulku piha-alueelle ohjataan Torikadun ja Valvatinkadun kautta. Alueella tehdään Stora Enson …


Cross-border traffic from Imatra to Svetogorsk started on March 17.3.1972, 1990, after the construction of the pulp and paper mill in Svetogorsk began. Until XNUMX, traffic was almost exclusively construction site traffic. The first domestic tourist trips were organized by bus...


Imatra city image bank All photos are freely available to the borrower, for example for marketing events and events related to Imatra. Images may not be used contrary to good manners. The source of the image must be mentioned as

City codes

Coat of arms of the city of Imatra The official symbol of Imatra is the coat of arms. It is an important part of our identity. The colors of the coat of arms are red, silver and gold. For the people of Imatra, the colors represent development, zest for life, wealth and well-being. Imatra's coat of arms...

Name plant and animal

Imatra's namesake plant is the Nuphar lutea The Nuphar lutea (Nuphar lutea) is a poisonous, yellow-flowered aquatic plant. In Finland, it grows natively and is quite common up to the Arctic Circle in the north. It is modest in choosing its place of growth and accepts all types of water...

Imatra medal

In 1997, the Imatra city council decided to commission the Imatra medal in honor of Imatra's 50th anniversary. The medal was designed by sculptor Veikko Nuutinen. The Imatra medal is awarded annually to a generally respected person who has achieved...

Inkeri of Imatra

Over the years, Imatra's Inker has become a symbol of Imatra, a character who is known all over Finland and represents our city as best as possible. The Imatran Inker is chosen annually by the Imatran Youth Chamber of Commerce. The first Inkeri was elected in 1970 and he...