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One new case of coronavirus in South Karelia

"Now at the latest, everyone must remember that they should not come to work or school when they are sick." - Arja Kujala - ... in the area of ​​the South Karelia social and health district (Eksote) a coronavirus infection (COVID-19) has been detected. The infection has been acquired from the capital region. It is about…

The city of Imatra updated its guidelines regarding the corona

In accordance with the guidelines issued by the Finnish government in the afternoon, the city of Imatra is updating its instructions regarding the corona epidemic. The city is canceling all trips abroad of its staff and schoolchildren, as well as trips to the home country and trips to events...

The city is canceling sports groups and children's swimming schools

The city of Imatra is canceling guided exercise classes for special exercise groups, such as the elderly, due to the corona situation. Swimming schools organized by the city and paid for by the Save the Children association, as well as swimming lessons in kindergartens, will be put on hiatus for two weeks...

The Imatra schools break the limits of their competence with the St. Petersburg school

Doing robotics is worthwhile - the talented are taken away The trip was also attended by Timo Lankinen, who works as a development manager at Stora Enso, who coaches a team of three Vuoksenniska school's fifth-graders who were successful in the lego competition, ...

In the city, sports clubs and children's swimming schools are canceled due to the Corona virus

For full confidence, all school students are recommended to bring their laptops home on the weekend. Включение другие is a precautionary measure, and at the same time the city hopes that the connections will be checked at home. If the child has no permission...

The city of Imatra closes its services due to corona

Changes to yo writings The Student Examinations Board, together with the Ministry of Education and Culture, has decided to bring forward the exam dates for real subjects, which were placed in the third degree week of spring 2020, so that the exams for real subjects are already written...

Eksote appeals to South Karelian employers that employees can take sick leave with their supervisor's permission

  ​The South Karelia social and health district (Eksote) appeals to South Karelia employers that employees could call in sick with their supervisor's permission and self-report. The co-responsibility period for sick pay (1+9 days) starts when the employee is approved, i.e....

Eksote informs: Only those who belong to risk groups and suffer from serious symptoms are tested

South Karelia's social and health district (Eksote) will in the future only test the most seriously ill and those who belong to risk groups for the coronavirus, depending on the situation. This ensures sufficient resources for the treatment of seriously ill patients. Persons with mild symptoms do not...

Imatra recommends that as many students as possible switch to distance learning already on Monday

The city of Imatra recommends that all children and young people who are able to stay at home from Monday. The recommendation applies to elementary school and high school students in grades 1-2. The same guidelines apply to early childhood education and children in pre-school education. …

About vocabulary, the library's online services, social media

The pandemic is now testing the whole society, of course it is also testing the Multiliteracy with Word Art project. For the next two weeks, I had booked myself five word art and book advice gigs, four of them have already been cancelled. That's fine, although...