Underpass tunnel.

The lighting in the underpasses of the light traffic lanes is being replaced

28.3.2024 11:35
The work starts on Tuesday, April 2.4. In Helsingintie and Pietarintie underspends.

The ill-conditioned discharge lamps of the five undercurrents will be replaced with LED technology. At the same time, the condition of the cables is checked and the controlled and always-on lamps are regrouped.

Tuesday 2.4. work begins in the following underpass tunnels of light traffic routes:
• Helsingintie underpass at S-Market
• Helsingintie underpass at Koulukatu intersection 
• Pietarintie underpass at Terästehtaantii

At the end of April, the lamps will be changed in two more Koulukatu sub-districts:
• Koulukatu and Paajalankatu underpass
• Koulukatu and Tietäjänkatu underpass

The underpass tunnels where the lamps are replaced are marked on the Imatra map.

The work causes minor inconvenience to light traffic and requires attention from road users

Lamp replacement takes approximately two weeks.

— During the work, Alikulu has traffic control with traffic signs and, if necessary, with the help of a traffic controller, says the city's maintenance engineer Kaisa Pohjola.

For more information:

maintenance engineer Kaisa Pohjola, kaisa. pohjolaatimatra.fi (kaisa[dot]pohjola[at]imatra[dot]fi), tel. 020 617 4424 

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