The Finnish flag is waving in the wind against the blue sky.
Independence Day 6.12.

Independence Day is celebrated in an outdoor event for the whole family in Imatra

16.11.2021 15:20
In Illansuu, there is also a rapids show in blue and white colors and a Sibelius tune.

In Imatra, Independence Day is celebrated outdoors this year. The event is organized In Veterans Park Along the Vuoksen road.

─ We hope that families, for example, could come and take part in the outdoor event. Organizing the event outdoors is also a safer option in this time of corona, Mika Albertsson of the party's organizing committee states.

In addition to the outdoor party, it is also new that the producers of the event are veteran organizations instead of the city.

─ The matter has been simmering for some time. The city pays for the party arrangements as before, but the third sector has significant responsibility for the arrangements. Now is also an opportunity to renew holiday traditions. It would be great if these parties had more participants, for example from families with children, the city's director of communications Liisa Hupli-Oinonen says.

In the future, the responsibility for producing the celebrations will be transferred to the tradition association of the 1939-45 wars, when the traditional veteran organizations stop their activities and combine their resources.

Corona instructions are taken into account

Already this year's Independence Day celebration, veteran organizations are trying to make it an event for the whole family. The event starts on 6.12. 13 o'clock.

The celebration includes a greeting from the congregation, patriotic songs by the Vuoksen Male Singers and Anne Sepponen ja Pasi Suikkanen the song performed by Evako. The celebratory speech will be given by the Scouts from Imatra Saija Lampi ja Esteriina Papinniemi.

Wreath patrols will also be sent out at the event to take salutes to the veterans' memorials. At the end of the event, peas will be distributed from the field kitchen. Rokka is reserved for 200 people.

─ During the party preparations, places of honor have been arranged in the heated tent canopy for veterans, Albertsson promises.

The organizers hope that as many guests as possible will arrive at the Independence Day celebration on foot, as there is a limited number of parking spaces.

─ Our national landscape's Imatrankoski, Vuoksi and veterans' park are perfect places to go outside on Independence Day, advises Albertsson.

Rapids show in the evening

In honor of independence, the city of Imatra also organizes a rapids show at 17 p.m.

The rapids show uses blue and white lights and the music is Sibelius's Finlandia.

In addition, the rapids bed is illuminated in honor of the celebration from 4 to 6.12 December. in blue and white colors.

The rapids show is also broadcast live on YouTube and Facebook of the city of Imatra. The broadcast also opens on this page.

Imatrankoski bridges are closed on Independence Day 6.12. at 16.45 p.m - 17.30

Imatrankoskentie between Napinkulma intersection - Pistetaloi roundabout is closed to vehicular traffic (excluding emergency vehicles) due to the rapids display 6.12. at 16.45 p.m – 17.30:3 p.m. Line XNUMX of local bus services is cancelled at 16.45 Imatrankoski-Jakola, at 17.00 Jakola-Imatrankoski and line 5 at 16.55 Imatrankoski-Pistetalot, at 17.00 Pistetalot-Imatrankoski.

For more information:

Organizing committee member Mika Albertsson, tel. 050 0723171, album64atgmail.com (albemika64[at]gmail[dot]com)

director of communications Liisa Hupli-Oinonen, tel. 020 617 2400, liisa.hupli-oinonenatimatra.fi (liisa[dot]hupli-oinonen[at]imatra[dot]fi)

Independence Day in Imatra 6.12.2021 December XNUMX

Celebration service at 10 am

Veterans park celebration at 13

  • Fanfare / Ismo Vänskä & flag raising 
  • Welcome / Mika Albertsson
  •  Vuok's male singers: Finlandia
  • Celebration speech / scouts Saija Lampi and Esteriina Papinniemi.
  • Evako's song / Anne Sepponen & Pasi Suikkanen
  • Hymn 577 (first 3 stanzas) / chorus
  • Reverend Mari Parkkinen sends a wreath patrol from the city and organizations to the memorials of our wars/ a couple of stanzas from the Narva march played by Ismo Vänskä
  • Karelian song as a collective song led by Vuoksi's male singers
  • Rock distribution
  • Reg. Imatra veteran organizations & city

Rapids show at 17

  •  With Imatrankoski, the music is Sibelius's Finlandia
  • Reg. the city of Imatra