Tomi Kallio
A bus

Bus routes in the city's map service

19.4.2018 19:13
The routes of Imatra's bus lines can now be found in the electronic map service

Bus routes have been added to Imatra's map service. The service can be accessed at kartta.imatra.fi, and the lines can be found under "Public transport" in the menu on the left. The map service shows lines separately, stops and valid schedules in a table. The timetables change in the beginning of June and they are always updated in the map service as well.

- We hope that the citizens of the city will take the service as their own and if they notice errors in the routes or other information, they will notify us at town planningatimatra.fi (city planning[at]imatra[dot]fi), hopes city surveyor Sini Pekkala.

More information: city surveyor Sini Pekkala, p. 020

To the map service