Baseball at the Ukonniemi stadium.
Ukonniemi has grown into a good environment for organizing events.

IPV informs: IPV applies to Imatra for the 2025 East-West event

22.4.2024 10:35
IPV will be 2025 years old in 70. The event would celebrate the club's successful history and the importance of baseball in the region. The city is involved as a partner.

Imatra's Pallo-Veikot ry has decided to apply for the East-West event in Imatra for the year 2025. In the same year, IPV turns 70 and the event celebrates the club's successful history and the importance of baseball in the region.

Itä-Länsi was organized last time in Imatra in 2017. It is known that at least Kouvola and possibly Hyvinkää are applying for the event.

East-West is more than a baseball game

IPV goes to the competition with a good mood, because the Ukonniemi area offers excellent conditions for this type of event. The Ukonniemi sports tourism area has been purposefully developed by the city at the beginning of the 2010s, and today it has grown into an arena that enables the organization of major events.

At the baseball stadium, the conditions have been bravely improved already this year, and small improvement plans are in the works.

- We want to develop the event in a direction that gathers all baseball lovers to the town for several days. Our goal is to build pesisfestaris, a comprehensive chain of event days, where there is entertainment, culture, exercise and versatile services around the games in the event area, says the IPV executive director Mikko Reitti.

The significance of the event for the region is significant

The importance of East-West for each organizing region is undeniable.

The 2017 event already showed the interest this region has in the sport. Itä-Länsi brings tourism income of around 1,5 million euros to the regional municipality. The club's goal is to create a concept that makes guests want to stay in the area for longer than just during the match event.

- Our strength is definitely excellent accommodation possibilities in the Ukonniemi area and in the immediate vicinity. It's easy to get here and there is versatile accommodation available for event guests, says Reitti.

For more information:

Executive Director Mikko Reitti, Imatran Ball-Veikot ry - IPV, mikko.reittiatipv.fi (mikko[dot]reitti[at]ipv[dot]fi), p. 044 580 5455

Read the announcement on the IPV website


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