A map from Imatra, where the place of the temporary connection is marked with red arrows.

In winter, short water cuts on May 25 and 26.5. between 8.00:16.00 a.m.

23.5.2023 15:56
There are water cuts in Nietoskuja, Kirsikuja and Huurrekuja.

Destia is doing joint work related to Vintteri area renovation on Thursday and Friday this week on Routakattu. The works will cause short water interruptions to households in the aforementioned alleys.

Water outages can cause turbidity in the drinking water. Clouds are removed by running water.

- Routakattu is closed to traffic due to this week's construction site, and the aim is to open it to traffic again on Friday 26.5. from 16 p.m. From the other end of Routakatu, you can use the temporary exit leading to Pietarintie, he says Miikael Tolonen From Destia.

Residents can access their plots during the construction site, even though Läpiajo Routakattu is closed. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the construction site.

For more information:

Miikael Tolonen Destia Oy, tel. 041 7322148, miikael.tolonenatdestia.fi (miikael[dot]tolonen[at]destia[dot]fi)

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