
Indoor air studies continue at Linnala school

7.3.2018 17:25
In the spring, a survey will be conducted for the staff and students, which will map the effects of the measures taken.

At Linnala school, the floor of the gymnasium will be deconstructed this week, and samples will be taken from the carpets in the classrooms next to the canteen.

Leakage tests of the property's structures will be done on 21.3. The report on the results of the aforementioned studies will be completed within a month.

― We want to ensure the effects of the measures taken, and that is why we are ordering an indoor air survey for Linnala school staff and students from an external operator during the spring, spokesman for the indoor air working group Arja Kujala says.

Emptying the school's downstairs warehouse of unnecessary items was done according to plan during the ski vacation.


More information

Arja Kujala, spokeswoman for the indoor air working group 020 617 2227, arja.kujala@imatra.fi