Hand sanitizer, face mask and protective gloves.
Hand sanitizer, mask and protective gloves.

Eksote recommends vitamin D supplementation for the elderly and other special groups during the corona pandemic

18.12.2020 15:46
In accordance with the guidelines of the Helsinki and Uusimaa Hospital District (HUS), the South Karelia Social and Health District (Eksote) recommends vitamin D supplementation for the elderly and other special groups.

The national recommendation for a vitamin D supplement is 75 μg/day for people under 10 from October to March and 75 μg/day for people over 20 all year round. Too high a dose of vitamin D is associated with the risk of hypercalcemia.

The importance of vitamin D in the prevention of serious Covid-19 disease

Vitamin D participates in normal immune defense by enhancing resistance. According to extensive research data, a daily vitamin D supplement somewhat reduces the risk of an acute respiratory infection (Martineau et al. BMJ 2017). In a Swedish study, 65% of those over 80 living in round-the-clock institutional care had vitamin D deficiency without vitamin D supplementation (Samefors et al. EJE 2014). Age over 70 is a risk factor for severe Covid-19 disease. Vitamin D deficiency has been found to have a higher risk of severe Covid-19 lung infection.

Background information on vitamin D

Vitamin D is produced in the skin under the influence of UV light. In Finland, there is enough sunlight for vitamin D synthesis from March to October. The skin of people with dark skin develops less vitamin D than light skin. Vitamin D can also be obtained from food, for example milk (vitamin D added) and fatty fish. Dark-skinned, overweight, elderly and those in round-the-clock institutional care are particularly at risk of vitamin D deficiency in Finland.

Recommendation of vitamin D supplementation for special groups during the Covid-19 pandemic

• For everyone over 70 years old, 20 μg/day.

• For all adults living in round-the-clock care (institutional care, assisted living, enhanced assisted living) 20 μg/day.

• For adults with dark skin, 20 ug/day.

• For all those belonging to the groups mentioned above, with a BMI over 30, at a dose of 50 μg/day, because excess weight is associated with a greater need for vitamin D supplementation.