Jubilee year events 2023

The city of Imatra is celebrating its anniversary. Although the city's history stretches back to the Kalevala, Imatra has operated as its own town and then as a city for 75 years.

On this page, we present the events of the jubilee year. These events have applied for the right to use Imatra's anniversary logo. There are many other events. You will find them from the event calendar.

The list is updated all the time.

See also holiday tips

More information about the events of the jubilee year:

Event producer Mari Haaparanta, p. 020 6171096, mari.haaparantaatimatra.fi (mari[dot]haaparanta[at]imatra[dot]fi)


Rapids shows

September 2023 rapids shows
18.–21.10. at 18 p.m. The Pearls of Light and Art event
27.10. and 28.10. at 18 p.m
6.12. at 16 p.m. Independence Day screening
31.12. at 20 pm New Year's show
Due to the electricity market situation, shows may have to be canceled occasionally, because Fortum, which owns the Imatra hydropower plant, is balancing electricity production. At that time, however, water flows in the rapids without a screen.

Light and gems of art

Light and art

A free event for the whole family from October 18th to 22.10.2023nd, You can walk, see and experience illuminated objects as the evening gets dark.
The actress plays the singer Edith Piaf.

Theater Imatra

Teatteri Imatra offers something to enjoy for many tastes.
In the autumn season, the program includes Piaf, Katoamistemppu and Hölmöläiset.
October events