Imatra has six bus lines.

Imatra's public transport is free on Thursday 22.9 September.

20.9.2022 12:04
Thursday is car day off. You can also try city bikes for free until Thursday.

Thursday 22.9. let's celebrate car day off. The goal of the day is to encourage people to leave their car at home and use other means of transportation instead of their own car.

Public transport in Imatra is free on Thursday.

— We want to make it easier to leave the car at home and remind you that the bus law is also available, traffic planner Kaisa Pohjola says.

City bikes supplied by Kaakau can also be used for free in Imatra. You can use the bike for free for a maximum of fifteen minutes on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

The car holiday is part of the international European Mobility Week, which is currently underway. During the Week of the Movers, people are encouraged to move sustainably. The week's events are coordinated in Finland by Motiva.

More information about public transport:

Traffic planner Kaisa Pohjola, kaisa. pohjolaatimatra.fi (kaisa[dot]pohjola[at]imatra[dot]fi), tel. 020 617 4424

More information about city bikes:

Traffic engineer Aino Vuopio, aino.vuopioatimatra.fi (aino[dot]vuopio[at]imatra[dot]fi), tel. 020 617 1205

European Movement Week

Public transport in Imatra