face mask
Face masks belong in the trash after use.

The mask recommendation applies to Imatra in basic education from 3.-9. students of classes

31.3.2021 11:34
Masks should be put in the trash after use.

A strong mask recommendation has been in effect in Imatra's basic education since Monday, March 29.3. from 3.-9. for students in classes.

Schools advise children to use masks, but the topic is certainly discussed at home as well. Attached are some instructions from THL on the subject. 

  • Wash or disinfect your hands before putting on a new or clean mask.
  • Make sure the mask fits tightly on the face and covers the mouth, nose and chin.
  • Do not touch the mask or move it under the chin or on the forehead during use.
  • If you touch the mask during use, wash or disinfect your hands before and after touching.
  • Do not put the used mask on the face again.
  • Replace the mask with a new one if it gets wet or dirty.
  • Put the disposable mask directly in the trash after use. Do not leave them on tables, floors or yards.
  • Wash or disinfect your hands after removing the mask.

The school provides disposable masks for all students.