Mansikkala school center site from the Karjaportikatu side.

At the Mansikkala school center, the canteen's wooden element installations are on the way

6.3.2019 14:46
More traffic on Koulukatu.


The construction of Finland's largest wooden school is progressing block by block. In March, it's time for the wooden element installations of the D1 block. This means that heavy traffic will now also increase on the side of Koulukatu.

The construction site is divided into seven different blocks. Block D1, which is in the element installation phase, will house, among other things, a canteen and kitchen facilities.

In March, building engineering and painting work for the G-block, insulation and reinforcement of the concrete floor of the E-block, and weather protection installations for the C1-block will also start on the site.

The total strength of the site is still around 55-60 employees.


For more information:

Site manager Mika Kaskela, YIT Rakennus Oy, tel. 050 560 1832.