Local transport routes and stops in Mansikkala
Local transport routes and stops in Mansikkala

Buses for normal routes on Mansikkalan Keskuskatu

30.11.2018 12:06
Local buses will return to their routes on Mansikkalan Keskuskatu from Monday 3.12 December. from

The exceptional arrangements for local traffic will end in Mansikkala when the Keskuskatu roundabouts are completed.

- Lines 5, 6 and the business bus will return to their usual routes on Monday 3.12 December, says the city engineer Päivi Pekkanen.

The temporary stops located at both ends of Tietäjänkatu will go out of use, and the permanent stops on Keskuskatu will be put back into use.
- On Paperharjuntie, local bus lines 1, 2 and the business bus will return to their normal route from Monday 17.12 onwards, Pekkanen adds.

More information: city engineer Päivi Pekkanen, paivi. pekkanenatimatra.fi (paivi[dot]pekkanen[at]imatra[dot]fi), P. 020-6174418