KIPA employees started gluing the stickers to the park areas last week.

At Imatra, the stickers of the dog poo litter campaign will be introduced

2.7.2018 15:06
You can now drop a bag of dog poo in the city's garbage. The purpose of the stickers is to keep nature clean.

The order law says that dog poop must be removed from maintained areas in built-up areas, for example from mowed lawns, says the city's gardener Erika Luhtanen. Until now, you have been free to clean up dog droppings in the park trash, but now the trash is marked separately.

Now private individuals can also participate in the campaign. You can apply for dog poop waste stickers from the City Hall's customer service today. The idea of ​​garbage stickers lies in the fact that private individuals can use the sticker to communicate to dog walkers that the trash in their house is intended for dog poop. You may not put stickers on the garbage in the yard of housing associations without the consent of the board of the housing association.

On the campaign's website, you can find a map where you can add your own trash marked with a sticker. In this way, outdoor enthusiasts can see where it would be worthwhile, for example, to go for a run.

Stickers will also appear in the park litter boxes of the city of Imatra in the coming days. There are many areas in Imatra where dog poop does not need to be cleaned up, so it is good that we start the campaign in park areas, Luhtanen states.

Spring would of course have been a good time for the campaign, when this topic is usually on the surface, but luckily now we were able to get involved, Luhtanen commented.

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