The future Wilderness and Nature Culture Museum, the current Imatra town hall in winter.
The future Wilderness and Nature Culture Museum

The services of the Wilderness and Nature Culture Museum are created through collaboration, but how? Take the survey

9.2.2022 18:08
We invite representatives of companies, associations and educational institutions, as well as other actors interested in the wilderness and nature culture museum. Let us know how we will join you on this journey together!

In addition to exhibitions and collections, the national wilderness and nature culture museum will have a number of interconnected services. The Eräpöhinä project invites actors from different fields together to create this service package.

- During 2022, we will organize 3-4 workshops in which activities, services and products linked to the wilderness and nature culture museum are conceptualized and planned. The target group of this survey is companies, educational institutions and associations, especially in South Karelia and more broadly in the Saimaa region, the project's project manager Mona Taipale says.

Tell us how let's start building cooperation by answering the survey below no later than Sunday 20.2.2022 February XNUMX.

Survey of the Ärä and nature culture museum

The Wilderness and Nature Culture Museum will be an impressive and attractive center for experiencing and presenting wilderness and nature culture, as well as an active meeting place. The museum will have many kinds of effects on its surroundings. The museum is a big opportunity and right now is the right time to build future cooperation!

More information about the future museum


For more information:

project manager Mona Taipale, mona.taipaleatimatra.fi (mona[dot]taipale[at]imatra[dot]fi), tel. 020 617 2257