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Yes, feedback matters

21.2.2021 13:26
Many feedbacks can be resolved quickly. If the desire for change is significant, the highest authority is exercised by the council.

"The street light is dark again, for the third time since December.
Is there something wrong with this lamp when the light doesn't last on?
Would it make sense to move the stop near Tainio market closer to the church?"

The attached direct quotes are feedback received by the city last year. They were accumulated for around 270 cities and a total of 760 for the subsidiaries Mitra and Kipa. The number of feedback from companies decreased by a couple of dozen from 2019. The number of feedback received by the city, on the other hand, increased significantly, as the previous year there were just under a hundred feedbacks.
– ─One reason for this may be that leaving feedback was made easier in the fall with the help of a new map service. Most of the feedback was received after that reform. The different ways of giving feedback were also communicated on different channels in the fall, the development and employment coordinator
Circus Sarlomo says.
Urban development received the most feedback (153) and from there especially public transport. The next highest number of contacts was collected by welfare services (68). Group service received 49 responses.
─– This kind of direct feedback is a good way to influence everyday problems. Concrete issues, such as playground repair needs, can be addressed quickly after giving feedback, Sarlomo states.
Most of Mitra and Kipa's feedback concerned street lights and the condition of the streets.

Contact us directly

And how can a resident of Imatra influence the bigger issues of his hometown?
─– The best way here too is to communicate directly, for example by e-mail or by calling the person who is responsible for the matter. Imatra is agile and there's no point in making things too complicated, Sarlomo emphasizes.
Of course, the municipal citizen also has the opportunity to make a municipal initiative about the perceived need for change.
Last year, Imatra received 15 municipal initiatives. Part of the initiatives submitted through the electronic system can be viewed at kuntalaisaloite.fi.
A resident of Imatra can also ask their representative to influence something. In addition, for example, organizations from Imatra can be in contact with the city in order to advance ideas.
A good example of local activity is the Koske school center
6th grade initiative of bullying-free zones in school centers and in the entire city area. Last year, among other things, a survey was carried out for the users of the new wooden school. Similarly, in connection with many site plan changes, participants were consulted through official procedures.

Operational and big guidelines

How are initiatives and pending matters handled? How are decisions made?
- City officials are always the first to prepare new issues. In the preparation, the advantages, disadvantages, effects from the point of view of the different parties and the costs of the presented matter are clarified, says Sarlomo.
Preparation can take weeks or months, depending on the scope of the matter.
Office holders have the right to make operational decisions within their competence. Decisions by office holders are public and can be viewed on the city's website (imatra.fi/decision-making-ja-ostallistumen/viranhaltijaresuksettin).
An initiative or other matter advances to political decision-making if it is a policy at the strategic level or a matter that requires a review of the allocations.
Some of these issues can be decided directly by the boards, but the most significant issues proceed to the city government and through that all the way to the council, which exercises supreme power.
Many feedbacks can be resolved quickly.
If the desire for change is significant, the highest authority is exercised by the council.

Once a month, Imatra opens the background of current affairs on this page.
Now, decision-making was presented, because there will be municipal elections soon. You can influence what topics are covered. Answer the survey:

Bigger policies are born here

The city council approves general plans and significant site plans, future ones

the economic plan of the years and the city's big strategic guidelines. Council

elects the members of the city board and boards and the mayor.

The city council is the central institution of the municipality. Its job is to lead

the operation, administration and economy of the municipality. It watches over the city's interest and does

contracts and legal acts in the name of the city. The city government leads

the city's business policy measures.

The welfare board is responsible for early childhood education, pre-primary, primary and upper secondary

on the organization of teaching and youth, sports and cultural services.

The Urban Development Board is responsible for, among other things, the management of land assetsta, land use, zoning, traffic routes, location data, city

the built environment, the natural environment, water supply and public transportof tea.

Other institutions: Imatra regional environmental board, South Karelia

waste board, inspection board, central election board, elderly council

and the disabled council, the youth council, the children's parliament and Participate and

influence working group.

The city's feedback channels

  • Ideas and feedback on the city's website:
  • imatra.fi/ideat and feedback
  • The feedback section of the map service of the city of Imatra:
  • kartta.imatra.fi/palaute
  • Property maintenance and area maintenance feedback forms:
  • imatrankipa.fi/asioi
  • Customer service, customer serviceatimatra.fi (customer service[at]imatra[dot]fi)

(Source: Imatra city & municipalities.fi