Ulla Karjalainen

Ulla Karjalainen, urban planning manager

30.5.2018 14:55
The city will be looking for a zoning engineer position in the near future.

1.7 has been selected as Imatra's urban planning manager. from civil engineering construction engineer (yamk) Ulla Karjalainen.

Karjalainen has worked as a planning engineer for the city of Imatra since the beginning of this year.

He also worked in the years 2003-2012 as planning engineer for the city of Imatra and as planning manager of municipal engineering in 2012-2013, after which Karjalainen moved to land use consultant for Pöyry Oy (later Ramboll). Karjalainen returned to Imatra from his position as Land Use Manager in Kitee.

Karjalainen's supervisor is the director of urban development Topiantti Ääks.

Within the extended application period, six people applied for the position of urban planning manager.

Karjalainen's transfer to the position of urban planning manager means that the position of planning engineer will be available at Imatra.


For more information:

Planning engineer Ulla Karjalainen, 020 617 4457, ulla. Karelianatimatra.fi

Director of Urban Development Topiantti Äikäs, tel. 020 617 2204, topiantti.earlyatimatra.fi