Quick loans: 1 or 2 weeks
Material with multiple reservations: 2 weeks
Magazines, music recordings, games and movies: 2 weeks
Books, children's music recordings and other borrowing material: 4 weeks
Always check the loan period on the receipt or in the online library!
At the same time, the customer can have a maximum of:
You can make a maximum of 50 reservations.
Use of the library is mostly free of charge. We charge fees, for example, for late returned loans and uncollected reservations. You can pay your fees at any Heili library or Heili online library. In the online library, the lower limit of payment is 0,65 euros.
Unpaid payments remain on your debt balance. Pay your debt at the latest with the first loan of each year, because the previous year's payments cause a loan and renewal ban. You also lose the right to borrow if your debt balance exceeds 10 euros. The right to borrow is restored as soon as the payments have been paid.
EUR 0,20 per day.
A maximum of EUR 6,00 per loan is charged.
A late fee is charged for all calendar days of the year.
Payments are collected as soon as the loan period expires.
No late fees are charged for the materials of the Children and Youth Department.
The costs of sending a notice of lateness
EUR 0,80 per notification.
A fee is also collected from the materials of the children's and youth department.
Billing supplement
EUR 5,00 per invoice.
A fee is also collected from the materials of the children's and youth department.
1,50 euros per reservation.
No fee is charged for materials from the children's and youth department.
5,00 euros per loan from both general and academic libraries.
Article copies are charged according to the sending library's invoice.
Fees are also charged for uncollected material.
2,00 euros (the first card is free)
If the book or other material you borrowed is lost, broken or otherwise unusable, tell the staff about it. You can usually replace the material by buying a new, similar copy or by paying the replacement price indicated by the library. Due to copyright fees, video recordings cannot be replaced with a new song. The replacement price for console games is a maximum of 40,00 euros. The replacement price for DVDs, Blu-ray discs and CD-ROMs is EUR 20,00 at most. For other material, compensation is charged according to the material register.
Blank DVDs EUR 2,00
Blank CDs EUR 1,00
Disc cases soft EUR 0,50 / hard EUR 1,00
Black and white A4 or A3 paper EUR 0,20
Colored A4 paper EUR 0,50
Colored A3 paper EUR 1,00