NOTE! Feedback, defect reports and complaints via the Asioi page. Contacts with our personnel are primarily via e-mail. Emails are a form first name Last (firstname[dot]surname[at]imatrankipa[dot]fi) Change phone number 05 235 2800 Visiting address: Kertakaari 5, 55120 Imatra Kipa's billing information Property services Property maintenance and building technology Tero Nokelainen Ice rink Timo Kauhanen, hall master Sports hall and swimming hall Juha Sairanen, hall master School janitors Tero Nokelainen Infrastructure services Area maintenance (traffic and green areas and outdoor exercise areas) Mika Vartiainen, responsible foreman, occupational health and safety manager Green areas, parks and playgrounds, property maintenance yards Aulikki Pulkkinen, foreman Outdoor sports facilities Jani Niittynen, sports venue master Land construction and water supply Jukka Malinen, responsible master, civil engineering Tommi Skyttä, foreman, water supply networks Administration Markku Puuska, CEO Kristine Müller, controller Employment activity Jukka Kunnas, foreman Download the page in PDF format