Imatra Vede's area of operation is expanding
Imatra Water's economic and wastewater operating area is expanding.
Properties belonging to the operating area are obliged to connect to Imatra Vede's economic and waste water network.
—If there are properties in the expanding area that have not been connected to the water or sewer network, they should be connected to the network in the future. We will be in contact with the property owners later regarding the matter, water supply engineer Anu Nikulainen says.
The operating area is updated regularly
The starting point for the expansion of the operational areas is station planning.
—The site plan has been updated over the years, and now Vede's operating area is being expanded to better reflect the site plan, Nikulainen states.
Last time, the economic and wastewater operating area was expanded in 2019.
Valid operating area maps can be found online from this link.
The new maps are available at the customer service point at the town hall and online 12.6.–28.7.
The Urban Development Board will discuss the change next fall. The expanded operating area will enter into force after the city council's consideration.
For more information:
Water supply engineer Anu Nikulainen, (anu[dot]nikulainen[at]imatra[dot]fi), p. 020 617 4333
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