Kävelykatu Koskenparras in the evening lighting with red lights, people walking.

The development plan for the commercial center of Imatrankoski is in the comment round

19.12.2023 11:03
After comments from entrepreneurs, city decision-makers and the steering group, the plan will be presented to the public in January.

The goal of the Elävä Imatrankoski project (2023–2024) is to initiate the development of Imatrankoski's commercial environment. In the first phase of the project, a development plan for the commercial center of Imatrankoski 2024–2040 has been drawn up, on the basis of which development activities can be initiated.

The plan has been drawn up in cooperation with Ramboll. In addition to previous reports and background materials, the planning has invested in the residents' participation and influence opportunities.

- The ideas obtained through the idea competition at Kulm, stakeholder interviews and the map survey have provided a wealth of useful material for the future picture, says the project's project manager Tuija Valkeapää.  

The planning has progressed to the draft stage for comment, the public meeting is on 17.1.2024 January XNUMX

The development plan has been sent for comments to entrepreneurs, city decision-makers, management groups and Imatra's vitality steering group, which also includes provincial representation. The comment round will take place between 15.12.2023 December 9.1.2024 and XNUMX January XNUMX, after which the plan will be finalized for presentation.

The development plan and the next stages of the development will be presented to all interested parties at an open presentation on Wednesday, January 17.1.2024, 18, from 20 to XNUMX p.m. in Kulttuuritalo Virra's Karelia hall. 

- The goal of the development plan for the commercial center of Imatrankoski is to find out with what means, services, investments and structural changes the area of ​​the center of Imatra can be renewed, says Valkeapää.

In the ordering phase, a road map-like tool was especially requested from the plan, which presents a clear vision and top projects and helps the people of Imatra in the step-by-step implementation.   

The Living Imatrankoski project implements Imatra's city strategy. The work is financed by the city of Imatra and the South Karelia Federation.

For more information:

project manager Tuija Valkeapää, city of Imatra, tuija. white hairatimatra.fi (tuija[dot]valkeapaa[at]imatra[dot]fi), tel. 020 617 1147

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